Posted by Clark Bates
March 5, 2019
How do you know the New Testament wasn’t changed early on? This is a fairly common question in the realm of skepticism, and it’s honestly a question we shouldn’t dismiss out-of-hand. Have you ever asked yourself this question? If you’re reading this article, it’s likely that most of you would answer it, “no”, that you don’t believe the New Testament was changed early on. But why do you believe this? All Christians WANT to believe this, but if pressed, what would you say?
For many who have studied apologetics, there’s the tendency to reach immediately to the number of manuscripts that exist for the New Testament. You’ve probably heard the argument that because we have so many (at least 5,400 in Greek, more than 20,000 overall), and because this number exceeds the number for all other ancient works by such a large margin, there is no reason to believe it has been changed. But allow me to push back on this some. If the argument being made is that, since modern scholarship accepts these other, less-attested, works to be trustworthy, they have no reason to doubt the New Testament, then there is some validity to that. You might call this the “What’s good for the goose” defense. All we’re really saying in such an argument is that scholarship and skeptics should be consistent in their standards and methodology.
But what if I told you that most scholars willingly acknowledge that most classical works, particularly from Ancient Greece, were changed? And I don’t mean spelling errors or word placement, but complete changes to words, removal of chapters, new endings, and more!? What does that do to the argument? Because, what they are arguing is not that these works haven’t been changed, but rather that they are trustworthy to represent the most widely transmitted text, or possibly the most genuine text for a particular region (and in some cases not even that!). When you consider how regularly and widely written stories were changed over time in Ancient Greece the challenge to the New Testament texts becomes slightly more sobering.
Allow me to add one more point: The number of NT manuscripts cannot answer this question. At least not on the basis of their count alone. As it has been correctly stated by Bart Ehrman and many other skeptics, the vast majority of NT manuscripts come from an era 900 years or more removed from the time of Jesus. Yes, we have earlier manuscripts, but the closer to the 1st century CE that you get, the fewer and fewer they become. So much so, that by the time you get to the 2nd-3rd century, many of them are merely fragments and not complete texts. With all this in mind, how do we know the New Testament wasn’t changed early?
A Lesson from the Greeks

built during the reign of the Ptolemy’s somewhere between 323 BCE and 246 BCE.
It became immediately aware to them, just as it does to us today, that if they wanted a copy for themselves, they would have to copy it, but the copies they possessed at the library and museum were not the same. You might say this was the dawn of textual criticism. It was the work of the first six librarians housed at the Museum (Zenodotus, Apollonius Rhodius, Eratosthenes, Aristophanes, and Aristarchus) that created the methods of copying and annotation that preserved the Greek texts we have today.[2] This is why it matters to us in regards to the NT. Because of the work of these men, the excessive changes made to the works of Homer began to cease. How? Well, we possess fragments of Homer that date back to the 3rd century BCE and the text in these papyri varies quite a lot from the printed copies in most libraries today. Many lines are added or omitted in these fragments, but within a short time, these versions of Homer stopped being transmitted. The question is, why?
The answer is that the scholars of Alexandria made a determination about what the text of Homer would look like and successfully imposed this determination upon it until it became the standard Homeric text against which all others would be measured. They did this by possibly creating a master copy for public use, or even employing multiple professional scribes to produce many copies for dissemination. How this relates to the NT is found in the centralized authority. The changes found in the earliest copies of Homer were implemented by a singular centralized authority (the Museum of Alexandria) that was able to control the final and future product. This is an actual historical example of intentional change early in the life of a book.
Who's the Boss?
By the time of emperor Constantine in the 4th century, copies of various NT books were scattered throughout the empire. The number of manuscripts that were being produced, in conjunction with the widespread locations producing them, rendered any potential change, like that seen in the Museum of Alexandria, impossible. Even if someone were to suggest that a change like this was orchestrated under Constantine, it would be impossible to change those manuscripts that came before him. A further reality is that those manuscripts that come after Constantine, some of the first complete Bibles we possess, have clear evidence of corrections. As is popularly stated against the reliability of the NT, no two manuscripts are exactly alike! If no two manuscripts are exactly alike, then they could not have been changed early on to any prescribed standard!
[1] The earliest record of its building is the Letter to Aristeas which also recounts the creation of the LXX, however it is widely known that the Letter contains a great number of inaccuracies.
[2]L.D. Reynolds and N.G. Wilson, Scribes and Scholars, 4th ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), 8.
[3] 1 Clem 13:1; cf. 1 Cor. 1:31/ 1 Clem. 13:2; cf. Matt. 7:2/ 1 Clem. 15:2; cf. Matt. 15:8, Mk. 7:6/ 1 Clem. 34:8; cf. 1 Cor. 2:9/ 1 Clem 36:2-5; cf. Heb. 1/ 1 Clem. 46:8; Matt.18:6, Mk. 9:42/ 1 Clem. 56:4; Heb. 12:6
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